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Isuzu Hicom Malaysia (IHM) understand the significance of protecting the natural environment and maintaining biodiversity, as such, we strive to create sustainable products through sustainable resources and business practices. We undertake continuous measures to lessen environmental burdens, for instance through integrating renewable energy such as solar for a cleaner and efficient electricity system and performance – monitoring of our industrial effluent treatment system which is a proactive procedure against harmful pollutants in generated wastewater.

The generation of significant volumes of zero-carbon renewable energy via the installation of rooftop solar panel provides a remarkable advantage to the environment by effectively reducing greenhouses gases emission and resisting climate change.

Paired with the expansion of renewable energy sector within recent decades that allows this technology’s economic potential to notably increase, rooftop solar panels are able to achieve higher margin in being a cost-effective alternative for distributed energy.



At IHM, we believe nothing is more important than giving back to the communities in which we serve and operate. Responding aptly to local needs and circumstances, we have and will continue to provide management training programs for undergraduate internship placements, educational talks to college or university students, plant visits for exposure to the automotive industry, as well as financial assistance to the underprivileged public or our own employees in times of adversity such as facing chronic illnesses or natural disasters. 

We are always looking for opportunities to make an impactful contribution to the causes and communities that are meaningful. As an organization, we encourage skills enrichment of our employees via securing wide and diverse training programs locally, as well as internationally where selected candidates are given the opportunity to embark on a Technical Intern Training Program in Japan or other learning exchange at ISUZU-associated companies in ASEAN countries. 



As part of governance framework, the distinct board of directors of IHM nominated by our shareholders DRB-HICOM and ISUZU will convene on a quarterly basis for decision-making about the direction of the company. At the management level, our effective management members are always actively involved in risk management as well as compliance processes. These keypersons steer our enterprise in mitigating variouseconomic challenges and technological advances that may pose undesirableimpacts in the time of rapid changes. When it comes to transparency, a core concept in trust- and relationship-building, there is a strong sense of commitment within us to uphold transparency to all of our stakeholders.